Media Week: BBC Radio 4 Interview and High Peaks Pure Earth in TIME Magazine

It’s been a media week for me and my blog High Peaks Pure Earth.

I was interviewed by BBC Radio 4 for a report about the crackdown on Tibetan writers, intellectuals and cultural figures. I talked about Tashi Dhondup in the interview and the report also featured a “I Am Tibetan” poem that was translated by High Peaks Pure Earth.

The report is online here: and starts at around the 16th minute.

“Torture Without Trace” by Tashi Dhondup from HPeaks on Vimeo.

This week a well-known Tibetan businessman Karma Samdrup was sentenced to 15 years in prison. At High Peaks Pure Earth we translated a blogpost written by his wife Dolkar Tso. Her blogpost was personal and moving and showed the whole case in a different, very humane, light. I was so glad we could get it translated quickly and it was also picked up by media including this report in TIME magazine.

TIME magazine picked up this quote:

During his trial, which began on June 22, Samdrup told the court that he had been subjected to extensive torture — including sleep deprivation and repeated beatings. “The account we heard … exceeded our worst imaginations,” his wife, Dolkar Tso, wrote in a blog post that was translated by High Peaks Pure Earth, a website that monitors Tibetan source material.