Speaking in Warsaw

I’m excited to be speaking in Warsaw in early July, I haven’t been back to Warsaw since a short trip I did from Berlin back in the summer of 2003 (!)… I remember really liking it there.

The events I am going for have been organised by the Tibetan Programme of The Other Space Foundation, Lech Walesa Institute Foundation and Polish PEN. I’ll be giving a presentation on Tibetan voices on the internet on July 8 and there will also be a screening of The Sun Behind the Clouds.

The whole programme is online in Polish here:

“Laundry Song” By Sonam Wangmo

The first blogpost on Tibetan “Red Songs” is finally up on High Peaks Pure Earth! I want to make it a series, could be fun!

Anyway I thought I’d post here the music video by Sonam Wangmo that I have a soft spot for, it’s just so catchy (!)

The Tibet Connection Radio Programme Covers The Shapale Phenomenon

I was interviewed by Rebecca Novick of the Tibet Connection about the Shapale Rap video, a video I had blogged about here at the end of April.

Here is a link where you can listen to the feature: http://tibetconnection.org/2011/06/meat-pastry-rap-song-threatens-chinas-security and you can also see the Shapale video.

I mention at the end that I’m excited about Tibetan hip hop, I’ll write more on that later at some point!

More Tibetan Simulation Fonts!!!

Hopefully not a new trend but following on from my post about Alan Dawa Dolma and the Tibetan simulation fonts I have now found yet another music video using these fonts for the subtitles. Take a look at the new video from wildly popular in PRC 3-piece girl band called Acha:

I have been receiving new photos of these fonts so will update my online gallery collection soon! Note to self, must actually start posting good music on my blog. You can always go read my old post about Cowboy Junkies in China.